According to the Decision of the Council of Heads of Governments of the Commonwealth of Independent States dated September 18, 2003, the Instruction of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine ¹ 155-p dated May 18, 2005, and the Decree of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine ¹ 808 dated November 10, 2005, the International Youth Delphic Games (the Third Youth Delphic Games of the CIS Member States) were held in Ukraine on December 12 - 16, 2005.
The Higher Forum of art gave young talents of different countries the unique chance for creative communication, exchange of experience, liberalizing the range of interests and learning cultures of different peoples.
The event was prepared and held by the Ukrainian Delphic Committee under the patronage of the International Delphic Committee, which headquarters is located in Moscow. As observers the Director of the International Delphic Committee Vladimir N. Ponyavin (Russia); members of the Board of the International Delphic Committee Damian T. Leskin (the Republic of Belarus), Tadashi Goino (Japan), O.G. Melik-Oganjanyan (the Republic of Armenia); the representative of the European Cultural Center of Delphi D.Voganatsis (Greece) were present.
Greetings for the Games were addressed by the Chairman of the Supreme Council of Ukraine Vladimir M. Litvin, the Mayor of the Kiev city Alexander A. Omelchenko, the Director of the Directorate of Youth and Sport of the Council of Europe Ralph-Rene Weingaertner, the Executive Secretary of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO Grigory E. Ordzhonikidze.
According to fixed quotas and submitted applications 506 delphians at the age of 10 – 21 took part in the Games, they were formed into official delegations from 18 countries, among which were: the Republic of Armenia, the Azerbaijan Republic, the Republic of Belarus, Bulgaria, China, Georgia, Greece, Japan, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, South Korea, the Republic of Tajikistan, Ukraine, the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The program of the Games consisted of the Official Opening Ceremony, the competition program, the Round Table, the Closing Ceremony and the Gala Concert of winners.
The Official Opening Ceremony, which took place at the National Opera of Ukraine on December 12, 2005, included the theatrical performance, where the history of the Delphic Games was represented and the current level of art development in Ukraine was shown. During the official part of the ceremony welcoming speeches were delivered by the Head of the Administration of the Chairman of the Supreme Council of Ukraine Yury P. Bogutsky, the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine Igor D. Likhovoy, the Minister on Family, Youth and Sport Affairs of Ukraine Yury A. Pavlenko.
Competitions were held in 11 nominations, among them were: piano, orchestra bow instruments, academical singing, folk singing, folk dance, folk instruments, pantomime, photography, poster, DJ, web design. Into the Jury, formed for each nomination, were included distinguished artists of 9 countries.
Winners and awardees received gold, silver and bronze medals as well as special diplomas of the Games.
The Official Closing Ceremony of the Games took place in the Bolshoi Hall of the National Musical Academy named after Petr I. Chaikovsky on December 15, 2005. The Games were welcomed by the First Deputy Head of the Kiev city Administration Vladimir B. Yalovoy and the Chairman of the Board of the International Delphic Committee, the Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian Delphic Committee Leonid M. Hovokhatko. In the closing Gala Concert the winners and awardees of the Higher Forum of art took part.
During the preparation and holding the Games in Kiev and Moscow the full advertising campaign with usage of central television channels and radio stations, informational agencies, outdoor advertising was arranged. In Ukraine events of the Games were widely covered by the First National Television Channel, Television and Radio Company «Kiev», Musical Channel «O-TV», «5 Channel», Television and Radio Company «Era».